I have a solo exhibition in London coming up in July at the wonderful Notting Hill art & culture centre The Tabernacle.
The show is titled 'Conscious while the world sleeps' - which is the name of a piece of taxidermy assemblage art that I created in tribute to the artist Mary Krishna. You can read more about this work in my Blog here.
It is a retrospective of my recent assemblage boxes, and will include up to twenty individual works of art that each tell their own story. My work follows the thinking of Marcel Proust, the early 20th century novelist who wrote ‘In search of lost time (À la Recherche du Temps Perdu)’, which examines the concept of a memory triggered by an object.
After the success of the recent Contemporary Vanitas exhibition curated by Lee Sharrock and Hamish Jenkinson at the Lights of Soho gallery, it is great to have the opportunity to bring more of my work to a London audience.
I seek out antique taxidermy, or ethically sourced modern pieces, along with vintage objects that I've collected over the years - adorning them with gold & silver, and bringing them together to provoke thought and imagination of their symbolic meanings. I’m passionate about our wildlife and the environment, and would never harm any creature, and I have made it my mission to re-use as much material as possible.
'Conscious while the world sleeps' runs from July 13th - 16th 2016, 12pm - 9pm, at The Tabernacle, 35 Powis Square, off Portobello Road, London W11 2AY - directions here.